Ivo Gabe de Wolff
Curriculum Vitae
2017 - Present: Master Computing Science at the University of Utrecht Currently I'm studying Computing Science, where I focus on Programming Technologies.
2014 - 2017: Bachelor Computing Science and Bachelor Mathematics at the University of Utrecht. I participated in the Honours Programme, won the Young Talent award of the KHMW (Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities) based on the grades of my first year and graduated cum laude. I graduated with a 9.1 as average grade (scale 1-10) and a GPA of 4 (scale 0-4).
2008 - 2014: Gymnasium (VWO) at Bornego College in Heerenveen, where I graduated cum laude.
2012 - Present: Freelance Software Developer, mostly focused on web app development.
2014 - Present: Open source development. I created various projects, including gulp-typescript. That is the standard plugin to compile TypeScript in Gulp, a build system in JavaScript. Furthermore I contributed to the TypeScript compiler. The largest contribution was a prototype of the Control Flow Based Type Analysis which was introduced in TypeScript 2.0.
2016 - 2018: Student assistant at the University of Utrecht. I assisted working groups of courses on data structures, functional programming, optimisation, complexity and discrete mathematics.
2015 - 2016: Author at Packt Publishing. Author of TypeScript Blueprints, a practical introduction to TypeScript. The activities included writing several projects, which were used as examples in the book. The book covers web and mobile app development, using various frameworks, both client and serverside. Some chapters are also published in other works.
De Wolff, I. G., & Hage, J. (2017, January). Refining types using type guards in TypeScript. In Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Partial Evaluation and Program Manipulation (pp. 111-122). ACM.Alg
De Wolff, I. G. (2016). TypeScript Blueprints. Packt Publishing Ltd.